Friday, February 4, 2011

Turn off the light, lower risk of cancer

This article if called, Shut off the light at night, reduce risk of cancer. It is by John Pillip.

In this article when it first start out I thought this must be a joke, right? Of course most of us sleep in the dark, but can you really get cancer from your bedroom light?. I have it on as we speak. It says that, our bodies functions are carried out by our sleep and are dependent on a circadian rythms that are distributed by the smalled things that has to deal with light even from little devices like our ipods, laptops, T.Vs our bodies come disturbed from this. Bascially, you want to sleep in the dark not have your laptop on or your ipod to reduce your risk of getting some sort of cancer.

We all know that our bodies require atleast 8 hours of sleep so I thought, but it is 7 to 9 hours of sleep. I also found this interesting because, this is something I didnt know, and that is, light emission which I'm guessing is from anything like what was said above from you ipod, laptop, or tv, distrupts your sleep cycle and alters your celluar division. The reason it says our bodies need atleast 7 to 9 hours of sleep is because when you dont have the light on your body is being repaired through those hours to obtain an optimal health.

It goes on to say that exposure to light from dusk to dawn can disrput your physiological processes which are regulated to the hormone melatonin. Which means, a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland, which is inverse prorption to the amount of light that your retina recieves, then it says which adds lighting to the skin.

At the end it talks about how techonolgy has become a big part of almost everybodies life in the past decade, and no matter what people are always going to have them in close proximity such as your cell phone, ipod or laptop. Which is very true, because I sleep with my phone, its my alarm, it wakes me up in the morning, and of course throughout the night I will wake up and check my phone therefore being exposed some more to the light which may give me cancer if I dont have it already since pretty much our whole lives we have been under this light that enables us to see through the night.

What happens though when people like me, do this it causes a dysfunction increase in the health risks that relate to high blood pressure, temperature regulation and lastly insulin resistance. I dont know where to believe this or not. I find it kind of not true, because we have been exposed to being under the light or our laptops, ipods, and phones, as well as tv's for so long, wouldnt I have cancer already? Would I know if I had it though?

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