Thursday, January 27, 2011

Salt can harm Your Heart in just 30 Minutes:

Researchers recently found out that salt and unsaturated fats can effect blood flow much more rapidly than what was previously believed. If fact in a recent study volunteers who were given soup with a very high salt index had restricted blood flow after just 30 minutes. They were tested using a blood pressure cuff to cut off blood flow while a ultrasound was taken to measure the width of the arteries. The experiment was repeated a couple times to check for replication of results.

I was drawn to this article because the title talked about salt negatively effect you in just 30 minutes, which me wonder how it could effect someone so quickly. Also after reading the first paragraphs I was interested in it enough to continue in order to seek the answer to my original question.

It was interesting to me because I have always been into nutrition and how eating different types of food effect the body and mind. This including how quickly something can have an effect. After reading the article I'm still curious about how long it would take to combat the effects of the salt after the first 30 minutes. Would exercise re-widen the arteries?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found this interesting as well, although I didnt see how to get to the article, what you first wrote got my attention and made me want to read more. I put salt on almost everything, although I know its not good, it just makes everything taste so much better. I like that you found this, because its a good nutritional fact.
