Thursday, January 27, 2011

Software makes the switch from detecting fraud to diagnosing illness

Autonomy a company known for creating anti-fraud software has recently adapted their fraud detection algorithms for use in the medical field to aid doctors when diagnosing patients. This system would search for patterns in a large database of medical histories. I found this article interesting because I am fascinated with artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

I think there is a lot of potential in the production of such a system. This could potentially reduce the risk of wrong medical diagnoses as well as provide doctors insight in to conditions they wouldn’t have otherwise considered.

Would you feel comfortable releasing your medical history to be used by this software system? What measures should be taken to ensure patients medical records remain private?


1 comment:

  1. It amazes me how there is technology out there like this.

    I don’t have a medical history other than being born and a few broken bones so I would have no issue with releasing my information .However, I could see how people that have a more extensive and potentially embarrassing medical would have an issue with it. Keeping it anonymous would probably be the most effective way of keeping the records private.

    Do you know if they have successfully developed the system?
